Weekly Scripture Verse

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10

Monday, May 2, 2011

Teach Them to Manage Their Wealth Wisely

Teach Them to Manage Their Wealth Wisely

Introduction: Money!

I’m going to ask five questions; answer first what you think the best answer would be and then what you think the five people that you are going to leave a legacy would answer. Are the answers the same? This is a little diagnostic tool.

How much is enough? Write in a number – no soft answers here; how much is enough for you to live and do what God wants you to do? What do you think your son or daughter would say?

How much is too much? Write down a dollar amount. If God gave you a million and this was enough but eleven million may send me over the edge.

Can I be both godly and rich? Yes or no. How do you think the person that you want to pass this on, how would they answer that?

If riches and material goods can "choke out" spiritual life (Mark chapter four, seed being sown in four different soils and the thorny soil the seed was choked out), is poverty God's calling for spiritual maturity? If not, what is? “I don’t know” is an acceptable answer.

Why does Jesus warn against the "deceitfulness" of riches? Deceitful means that you are deceived; remember when you are deceived you are not aware of the deceit! Wealth has the ability to deceive you into thinking that you are living a pleasing life unto the lord, living a good life being in fellowship with God where in reality you are not doing what would please God. Money has the ability to appease us into thinking that we are doing right and well, when we really are not!

When do you view yourself as rich (or poor). Our tendency is to always place ourselves at middle class and the “Rich” are those people above you and the “Poor” are those below you. Your definition of wealth is constantly changing.

Some things are taught, some things are caught, and the rest you learn the hard way.

How you handle money is the clearest barometer of the condition of your relationship with God. That’s why Jesus talked more about money than heaven and hell combined. How you handle money reveals your values, your priorities, and where your heart is.

How do you pass on to others what wealth is –how do you transfer God’s concept of wealth to those you love?

Transferable Concept:

Teach them to manage their wealth wisely.

A Theology of Stewardship:

God owns everything: Psalms 50:12 “If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.”

God has entrusted His things - time, talent, and, treasure- to us to manage for Him.

This is a key concept to pass on. It’s not yours, it’s not mine, and it’s His: you’re just the manager! You’re a Stewart. He has given to you just so much time, talents, and wealth into your hands; your job is to manage it wisely.

God expects a positive return on His investment.

God is the best banker ever! He has deposited his time, talent and money into you; he expects to get a return on this investment.

God will hold you accountable: 2 Corinthians 5:10 “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”

This not the judgment of the lost, but of the saved where you will gain crowns or experience loss of rewards.

God wants you to share in His glory: 2 Corinthians 5:12For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart.”

As you seek God to ask “how do you want me to use this ___ “as you obey, you will share in His glory. You will have a level of joy and intimacy with Him as you cooperate in His will.

Old Testament roots – Genesis 1:26-29, Job 1:20-21

God says to Adam, I created it all, I’m giving it to you to manage, manage it well and be fruitful and multiply and have an increase! You are my Stewart.

Job declares that all that he had was not his, he then fell and worshiped God. How many of us would do that – consider the recent economic down turn. Do you get angry when God takes something from you? I worked hard for this stuff, how could you take it away from me? Did you think it was yours and not His?

New Testament Command – Matthew 25:14-30

Jesus teaches the disciples about stewardship, how that a master was going away to a far country and left talents (money) with different Stewarts, and discusses the outcome of their stewardship upon his return. For those who had an increase they were told “well done you faithful servant, enter into your reward”.

The one who did not get and increase was chastised and what he had was taken away and given to another. He did not get a positive reward. He buried his money; he did not put it to the use that the master had desired.

Jesus teaches us that it is not about how much money but what you do with the things entrusted to you; He expects us to do something with what we are given.

Note that both the five talent guy and the two talent guy got the same reward; it wasn’t about how much they ended up with but all to do with “did they invest and use the talents according to the Masters desire of increase”.

Biblical Profiles – Nehemiah in the Old Testament and Barnabas in the new.

Nehemiah’s story goes like this. He has become the king’s right hand man; he has a place of privilege, has all of the best things and is the confidant to the king. God blessed Nehemiah with this life for a purpose, for a window of opportunity for Nehemiah to do God’s work. God had send two others (pastors) before to rebuild the Temple but the work languished; then God sent Nehemiah, the businessman, to get things organized and the people motivated. Stewardship is not feeling guilty about having much, but realizing that the possessions are not yours but God’s to accomplish God’s will. To those that much is given much is required. If you are wealthy, six figure income, and you tithe God is not very impressed – how hard is it to tithe when you have that much income? The most generous people are the poor that give when they do not have much to work with! Nehemiah is the model of what it looks like to be godly, wealthy and generous.

Barnabas was a very wealthy man, owning much property. He was the key; we would not have heard of Paul if Barnabas had not been there to step in and introduce Paul to the others and vouch for him. Barnabas was the leader who went to Paul and said let’s partner on this and do a work for God. Barnabas was a wealthy man with leadership skills that God used to get the church going.

God has given to each of use skills and possessions to use to further His work.

Question: how are you managing your wealth today? If God was to give you a report card what would your grade be? You can not pass on what you do not have!

Application: I, (First Name) (Last Name), choose to become faithful in the little things Luke 16:10

"He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”

How to Become Faithful in the "Little" (Material) Things:

1. Help them recognize the three purposes of money are giving, saving, and spending. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”

When I was teaching my daughter about this concept we had three jars labeled “Giving”, “Saving”, and “Spending”. When she earned money we divided it up between the jars; the lesson is that you need to distribute your God given money between these funds so that you will have it to spend when the need comes up.

2. Encourage them to commit to honor God with first fruits of every paycheck to remind them that it's God’s money, not theirs. Proverbs 3:9-10 “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.”

Teach them not the rigidity of the tithe but that you give back to God because you love Him; give because your heart is in line with God. Teach them how to become a generous person. Did you know that the word miserable comes from the root word miser? You become less miserable when you are less miserly: learn and teach how to become generous.

Generous people live longer, generous people are happier, generous people have better relationships, generous people are liked by others, and generous people are emotionally healthy: the most generous person in the whole universe is God and His Son!

It’s not your check book, its God’s, so spend form it in a way to make God happy.

3. Encourage them to make time with God ) their #1 priority so they’ll know how to invest the time, talent, and treasure entrusted to them

The keys to life, the anchor that will hold you in the storms of life are in the word of God. This is your source of power; it is your weapon against the devil; it will teach you how to be a parent, how to be a good spouse, how to judge rightly, how to live!

Make dwelling in his word a habit, He will revel things to you, He will meet you and talk to you while you are dwelling in His word. The more you do the more you will thirst for His presence!

Mark 1:35 Records a very busy day in Jesus’ life, he was pressed, after all this “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed”

Sometimes we seek after some book or some other person for wisdom on how to solve a problem, but God wants to help you solve the problems His way. You can only do this if you will first turn to Him for help.

This is something to pass on to others; that your source of wisdom and help is in God Himself!

Life Message: Your Life is a sacred Stewardship!

Discussion Questions:

1. Which of the last two messages "hit home" the most with you? How will you share what you’ve learned with your children and grandchildren?

2. What midcourse changes do you need to make in your attitude toward work? Money? What are they? How about your children and grandchildren?

3. What specific action steps of faith do you sense God is leading you toward in response to His Word? How will you pass this on to your children and grandchildren?

4. What does it look like to obey God in your life? How will you pass this knowledge on to your heirs?

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